The impact of structural complexity, fault segmentation, and reactivation on seismotectonics: Constraints from the upper crust of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence area

M. Buttinelli, L. Petracchini, F.E. Maesano, C. D’Ambrogi, D. Scrocca, M. Marino, F. Capotorti, S. Bigi, G.P. Cavinato, M.T. Mariucci, P. Montone, D. Di Bucci

The impact of structural complexity, fault segmentation, and reactivation on seismotectonics: Constraints from the upper crust of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence area.

Tectonophysics, Volume 810, 2021, 228861, ISSN 0040-1951, Redirecting. (The impact of structural complexity, fault segmentation, and reactivation on seismotectonics: Constraints from the upper crust of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence area - ScienceDirect)


Utilizzando un grande dataset del sottosuolo acquisito per l’esplorazione di idrocarburi nella regione colpita dalla sequenza sismica dell’Italia centrale del 2016-2017, abbiamo costruito un modello geologico 3D completo e lo abbiamo confrontato con la sismicità.


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