Original Research Article | Fault Pattern and Seismotectonic Style of the Campania – Lucania 1980 Earthquake: New Multidisciplinary Constraints

Fault Pattern and Seismotectonic Style of the Campania – Lucania 1980 Earthquake

Bello S, de Nardis R, Scarpa R, Brozzetti F, Cirillo D, Ferrarini F, di Lieto B, Arrowsmith RJ and Lavecchia G (2021)
Fault Pattern and Seismotectonic Style of the Campania – Lucania 1980 Earthquake (Mw 6.9, Southern Italy): New Multidisciplinary Constraints.
Front. Earth Sci. 8:608063. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.608063

Italy, active faulting, structural geology, kinematic analysis, seismotectonics, stress inversion, 3D fault model, Irpinia 1980 earthquake

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